

Thryve App

Built & Launched a Native iOS & Android App in Flutter to receive push notifications for (text messaging platform for churches) in 3 weeks. Jon the founding partner of W&W was employed by Thryve when he worked on this. This is an example of the scrappy and efficient thinking we bring to the table.

iOS, Android



While Jon was at Thryve there was a 3-6 month plan on building a full app, but our team at the time lacked the experience and expertise required to build and ship native apps at that speed.


Please note that the Thryve designs in this case study belong to Thryve not Wonder and Wander. Thryve had a great design team that designed the app. The development work is also not Wonder and Wander just to reiterate.


Due to the short timeline, Jon used flutter for quick development & ability to connect to native push notifications, and Google sign-on for iOS & Android. Leveraging a simple web wrapper of their current mobile responsive page, fixing mobile responsive UI bugs at the same time. This enabled church administrators to respond in real-time in comparison to the old way of communicating through email.


Over three weeks, Jon chose to ship the largest requested feature that was a primary road blocker for the rest of the team. Removing this obstacle provided the foundation of Thryve for further development and giving long-term value to its end users.